Do you have a material of unknown R-value you'd like to test but don't want to pay tens of thousands for a national lab to test it? Send it to our lab for thorough and accurate yet inexpensive R-value testing. Our lab has an in-house bench top system that allows for quick and accurate R-value tests of materials.

Whether it be plastic, glass, cement, a window or wall section, if cut to the correct dimensions, we can test it. Our guarded hot plate apparatus is built according to ASTM standards and is NIST traceable and all of our tests are accurate to within 5%.
If your material is of uniform density, there's no need to send large wall sections to a national lab, simply cut a small section and send it to us instead!
Does this heat resistance measurement also work for a double glazing (insulating window pane)? I have a 70x70 cm wide sample available for testing...